HITSZThesis is a dissertation LaTeX template for Harbin Institute of Technology, ShenZhen (HITSZ), including bachelor, master and doctor dissertations. Current version is 3.2, updated on 2020/06/23. Note that 3.x version is not compatible with 2.x version. Please join QQ group: 1039392552 to report issues.
hitszbeamer is a beamer theme designed for Harbin Institute of Technology, ShenZhen (HITSZ). Current version is 1.0.0, updated on 2020/03/17.
HITSZThesis is a dissertation LaTeX template for Harbin Institute of Technology, ShenZhen (HITSZ), including bachelor, master and doctor dissertations. Current version is 3.0.4, updated on 2020/03/13. Note that 3.x version is not compatible with 2.x version. Please join QQ group: 1039392552 to report issues.
下载脚本手册。我打算使用Visual Studio进行VB编程,故下载了以下两个文件
最近在github上看到有项目把 $\LaTeX{}$ 生成的PDF文件转换为SVG文件,然后将这些SVG文件嵌入一个个网页,就这样一个 $\LaTeX{}$ 说明文档的网站就做好了。将PDF文件转换为位图总会失真,但SVG文件是矢量格式的图片,可以放大很多倍观看,遂萌生了将PDF文件转换为SVG文件的想法。网络上大多数PDF转换软件或在线转换网站要么不支持要么限制页数、有水印,看到有博客介绍可以用Java编程实现,便着手准备开干!
This is operations research homework 7, original repo link. Corresponding textbook: Introduction to Operations Research, 10th edition, Frederick S. Hillier & Gerald J. Lieberman. The style used is Tsinghua coursework.